Thermal Conductivity Machine Has Arrived!

POSTED: 04/6/2012

The new Thermal Conductivity Testing machine uses an embedded PC for determining absolute value measurements using the guarded hot plate method according to ISO 8302, DIN EN 1946-2, EIN EN 12667 and ASTM C177 (DIN 52612) which are referenced in AS/NZS4859.1.

It is not a heat flow meter and, therefore, it offers higher accuracy and reliability than most other testing machines. In many cases the time for testing is reduced too. For an explanation describing the differences between a ‘heat flow meter’ and a ‘guarded hot plate’ request a copy of the Introduction to the Lambda Thermal Conductivity Machine booklet by calling BEAL or by e-mail.

For a general information brochure about the new machine and what size samples can be tested, click on the pdf link below.

A link to the manufacturer’s web site is here. Lambda Manufacturer
