Development of Codes of Practices

POSTED: 04/30/2018

Development of Codes of Practices

The CodeMark Scheme Rules state that

“The CodeMark certification body shall develop an evaluation methodology and evaluation plan..”

It also states:

“Where a Product does not comply with all relevant Deemed-to-Satisfy provisions the CodeMark certification body shall: ensure that the evaluation methodology and evaluation plan includes an Alternative Solution that has been prepared in compliance with the requirements of the BCA [or NZBC] and which clearly demonstrates how such requirements have been satisfied.”

The Rules go on to state:

The certification body shall “ensure that the Alternative Solution is developed by individual(s) deemed, by the CodeMark certification body, to be competent in all provisions and requirements…”

For these reasons BEAL Certification Service has begun developing Codes of Practices that provide a basis for the evaluation methodology for building products for which there is no published or acceptable criterion.

These Codes of Practices will be developed in an open transparent way to allow for wide public input and consultation, particularly from the relevant building and construction sector. The aim is to provide appropriate criterion for certification that is unbiased and technically robust.