Contact Us

Enquiries for New Zealand applicants:

Building Element Assessment Laboratory Limited

Phone: 04 2336661
Overseas: +64 4 2336661
for testing:
Hours: 8.30am to 5.30pm Mon – Fri 9.00am to 12pm Sat. most weekends

Address for deliveries of samples and post:
6B Cedric Place, Plimmerton, Porirua, 5026.
Google Map location click here

Enquiries for Australian applicants:

We are currently establishing an office in Australia for Australian based manufacturers, agents and distributors of building products or systems.
To find out how to get your product tested or to demonstrate compliance with the NCC, call:

Sydney 02 913 93911
Melbourne 03 913 38999

Or complete the enquiry form below:

Contact Us

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