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A new look at the requirements for weathertightness

Houses are our refuge. In stormy situations, our houses need to keep the wild weather out, while we remain safe and protected inside. In a country like New Zealand, it can get stormy any time of the year. Therefore, all houses need to be weather resilient. Most of NZ is subject to high winds and…

POSTED: 02/29/2024

Why the need for a ‘frame protection system’ over timber & steel framing

So what is a “frame protection system”..? Click here to download a 2-page explanation of why the installation of a ‘frame protection system’ using either a rigid or flexible air barrier, is essential for meeting all requirements of the NZ Building Code and contributing in a significant way to minimising climate change.

POSTED: 08/19/2023

Energy Efficiency Information

“Energy Efficiency / Thermal performance / Minimum R-Values” What do these terms mean?? Assuming we are talking about housing, these terms have very specific meanings. Let’s see some examples of them, but first, lets understand what the law in New Zealand says… First, the overarching legislation covering all building work, is known as “the Building…

POSTED: 03/18/2023

Accessing the Building Code

A new method of finding out what the Building Code requires of building products and systems.

POSTED: 08/10/2022

Benefits of a Product Technical Statement

Question: Is a Product Technical Statement in effect an Appraisal-light? Answer: Yes and No! A ‘Product Technical Statement‘ is a manufacturer’s or supplier’s means of assuring designers and consenting officers that based on the supplied evidence and any ‘in-service-history’, the product is expected to be compliant. (and, meets S14G of the Building Act). Building Act…

POSTED: 04/29/2022

SIPs – Time for a re-think

– advantages and disadvantages of Structural Insulated Panels compared with other forms of framing… and how they can be so useful. Click here to download the article.

POSTED: 07/13/2021

What is & Why have an Appraisal?

– for a building product to be used in New Zealand Recently we have received a number of queries about the options for demonstrating compliance for a building product – and what advantage is there for having “an appraisal”. The article found on this link provides an explanation of what is and why have an…

POSTED: 06/26/2021

How to Choose Which Compliance Certification is Best for Your Building Product

Do you choose an Appraisal, or Product Compliance Certificate (PCC) or simply a Product Technical Statement? Download a paper that explains your options together with a table that highlights the different features and benefits here.

POSTED: 01/6/2021

2020 Hebel-Oceana Energy Conservation and Environmntal Protection Summit

CEO of BEAL, Mr. Colin Prouse, was a keynote speaker during the 2020 Hebel-Oceana Energy Conservation and Environmntal Protection Summit – under the guidance of Hebel Department of Science and Technology and co-hosted by Shijianzhuang Science and Technology Bureau and Tangshan Science and Technology Bureau.His talk covered the challenges for Chinese exporters and NZ based…

POSTED: 09/1/2020

Changes to the Building Act 2004

The submission to Parliament from BEAL: 10 July 2020 – BEAL has made a two part submission on the proposed Bill. Click here to view. A copy of Appendix 1 of the submission is available on request. 8 May 2020 – Read here to see what the Government is proposing and how it could effect…

POSTED: 05/18/2020

Effect of the National Lockdown

As you are aware the Government has required, with the exception of essential services, all businesses to either operate from home or stop typical activities. BEAL has recently moved much of its testing and other facilities to my home in Paraparaumu. This means that with a fully operational office, much of the assessment and certification work will…

POSTED: 04/6/2020

How to Get Compliance for Pre-Fabricated Buildings

How to Get Compliance for Pre-Fabricated Buildings – 5 May 2019 Many importers have asked the question, “how do we establish compliance (with the New Zealand or Australian Building Code) of a pre-fabricated house built overseas – typically in China?”. The answer is not simple, since every house, comprising many ‘components’ will need to have…

POSTED: 05/8/2019

Transportable Buildings draft COP

Transportable Buildings draft Code of Practice Over the past few years the number of prefabricated and almost completely constructed buildings being imported into New Zealand, in particular, has steadily increased. Where such a building is to be permanently attached to a foundation or the like, the Building Act 2004 makes it clear that such transportable…

POSTED: 04/30/2018

Development of Codes of Practices

Development of Codes of Practices The CodeMark Scheme Rules state that “The CodeMark certification body shall develop an evaluation methodology and evaluation plan..” It also states: “Where a Product does not comply with all relevant Deemed-to-Satisfy provisions the CodeMark certification body shall: ensure that the evaluation methodology and evaluation plan includes an Alternative Solution that…

POSTED: 04/30/2018

Welcome to 2018 – Hopefully a Year of Change!!

Here are some of the items BEAL would like to see the new Minister of Building & Construction look at this year: Review of wording used in some Clauses of the New Zealand Building Code. As the most experienced building product certifier in New Zealand, BEAL has found the wording in some Clauses to be…

POSTED: 01/16/2018

Window and Door COP being developed

A Code of Practice for the design, testing, assembly and installation of windows and doors covering all frame materials, in conjunction with the Window Association of NZ and interested parties, is being developed by BEAL Professional Services Ltd (BPS). The current Standards used in New Zealand and Australia, which are similar, provide but a percentage…

POSTED: 09/15/2017

New ‘Acceptable Construction Practice’ drawings being developed

Responding to calls for easy to understand and more reliable Code compliant generic construction details, a new set of ‘Acceptable Construction Practice’ drawings are being produced by BEAL. These CAD based drawings are in colour, isometric format, making it easier to understand how components are assembled.
It is expected that with widespread construction industry involvement, the drawings will take a year before they will be ready for download onto tablets and the like for use on site.

POSTED: 10/7/2015

New Weather-station Installed

A new weather-station has been installed to better understand and measure local weather conditions. The instrument has a number of measuring sensors with some having calibration against NIST traceable standards. Of particular use are the UV and solar measuring sensors.

POSTED: 11/1/2014

Legislated responsibilities of product manufacturer or suppliers

Manufacturers need to be fully aware of the new requirements set out in Section 14 G of the Building Act 2004; especially part 2.

POSTED: 07/10/2014

Appraisals Now Have Expiry Dates

Requests from the authorities have resulted in all BEAL Appraisals listed on this web site now having their expiry date clearly stated. Before the expiry date is extended, all certificates are revalidated and the relevant quality management system audited. Dates of any updates are also stated.

POSTED: 07/8/2014

Office now in Australia

BEAL Certification Service Ltd are pleased to announce the appointment of Mr John Villani as the Australian Manager representing the range of services offered by BEAL. John’s contact details are listed in the contact us page. John has many years experience in the building industry and has experience in the testing, compliance and certification processes.

POSTED: 06/5/2014

At Last – A New Zealand Building Product Certifier!

BEAL Certification Service Ltd is pleased to announce that it has at last been accredited to provide suitable applicants with product certification known as a CodeMark certificate.
For further information about CodeMark and the evaluation process, click here.

POSTED: 10/31/2013

New Revalidation and Change Policy

As a result of a recent enquiry about the process for updating BEAL Appraisal certificates, a new policy covering both the updating and revalidation of appraisal certificates, has been developed. The policy is designed to provide clarity to certificate holders as to their obligations to keep their certificates current and up to date. In future…

POSTED: 07/9/2013

Frame Protection Systems Now Required

A ‘frame protection system’ is the collection of components that are used to provide reliable protection of the framing and wall insulation from wind and wind-driven rain over time.

POSTED: 03/29/2013

SIP Systems – Finally here!

MagRoc NZ Ltd., based in Christchurch has finally brought the newest in energy efficient building systems, to New Zealand. BEAL Appraisal C1130, listed under “claddings”, was the result of over one year of investigation and evaluation of the MagRoc Product.

POSTED: 12/23/2012

SIPs are coming to New Zealand!

One company based in Christchurch has made the investment in considerable engineering, structural, durability and weathertightness assessment work to provide an appraisal for a Structural Insulated Panel (SIP) system for use throughout New Zealand.
More information to follow.

POSTED: 10/26/2012

Thermal Conductivity Machine Has Arrived!

BEAL has taken delivery of a modern thermal conductivity machine that means more accurate and reliable test results, in a shorter time.
The German manufactured machine uses the latest technical innovations to provide thermal resistance measurements for insulation manufacturers and importers, at very competitive prices.

POSTED: 04/6/2012

Working with a Reformed Building Act

At a conference recently held by Conferenz in Wellington ( the subject of the proposed ammendment to the Building Act was discussed by many leaders of the building industry. One of the speakers was the CEO from BEAL, Colin Prouse. A copy of his presentation is listed here. View PDF

POSTED: 07/29/2011

BEAL Achieves ISO 9001

On the 11th November 2009 BEAL received their certificate for ISO 9001 demonstrating that their quality management system met the international standard recognised the world over.

POSTED: 11/17/2009